I'm heading off for China again in the morning, 12 days on the road and many miles to travel ( that sounds like a song).
As usual it's going to be a pretty busy trip with a number of important meetings and visits etc.
The main purpose is to visit Harbin University of Engineering Technology as part of a Due Diligence visit to assess the potential for delivering Swansea University Engineering modules in Harbin using "flying faculty" from Swansea. Colleagues from The School of Engineering will be looking at policies, procedures etc for delivery of the subject area and as the first year of a 4 year programme will be English language based, my colleague Liz Stratton and I will be looking at the quality of current English language provision and making recommendations for going forward with the project.
Following Harbin Liz and I will be visiting agents in Beijing, Beijing City University to meet students, and Beijing Foreign Language University to discuss delivering English language programmes there.
Then we're off to Chongqing to meet with the British Council, Chomgqing University of Technology and Chongqing Medical University to meet potential students and give some presentations.
The last leg will be a visit tI Zhuzhou City to meet up with colleagues and friends in the Education Bureau and Hunan Yandi Institute.
This will be my first trip for a long time where I am with a colleague for the duration and as Liz has not been to China before I am looking forward to watching her experience the wonderfully diverse and vast country for the first time.
I think I'll be updating this blog quite regularly!